If you have a network at your disposal, then you are required to protect it. Your network needs to be protected from internal and external threats. The best way to ensure your network is protected is through the use of firewalls. Firewalls are virtual walls which are used in separating the network from the internet. Firewalls also help in restricting access to the internal networks, filtering of traffic and also preventing denial of service attacks threats.
A network that does not have an effective firewall is subject to breaches and other threats which could end up costing you a lot. Therefore, it is important that you choose a firewall that will work as expected to avoid any inconveniences.
Check On Protection of DDos and DOs
When you are buying any firewall, you should check to know if it protects the DOs and DDOs. The DDoS attacks are very dangerous and can cause severe effects on your website. Over time, attackers are advancing and now they are able to increase malware which they attach to botnets hence end up making significant attacks.
When DDos attacks occur, they can cause a reduction in performance and also bandwidth performance. This will cause you severe damage and will take your time. For this reason, it is highly recommendable that you select a firewall which is able to detect DDos.
Check On Ability of firewall to Send Attack Alerts
Secondly, if you are searching for a good firewall, you should check on the capability of the firewall to send attack alerts. As much as the function of the firewall is to prevent attacks, it should also notify you in case there is an attack that is in progress. Therefore, buying a firewall that can send alerts to administrators during an attack will be the best thing to do for your network safety.
Check On Remote Access
Remote working is a norm these days which most organizations have embraced. However, the issues come about when you allow your employees to access the company network remotely because the will resent security threats. For this reason, it is recommended that you consider using the virtual private network. Firewalls are able to handle tasks which are associated with virtual private networks. Buying a hardware firewall which integrates VPNs will be more cost-effective and efficient.
Check On Vendor Customer Care
It is also of the essence to purchase a firewall from a vendor who has proper and reliable customer service. This is important because it will help you in case you are seeking for assistance when a need arises. A proper customer care system will be supportive and will not leave you frustrated.